SRH Hochschule in Leipzip

Computer Science Cyber Security

  • Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  • 4 Semesters
  • on campus
  • 120 ECTS
  • €750/Month
  • subject to: approval by the state of Saxony
  • Full time
  • Fast track available

Master's in Cyber Security at SRH makes you an infosec specialist with deep IT knowledge. Learn to plan and implement cyber security systems in companies.

  • English
  • 1st intake: October 2024
SRH Campus Leipzig

Network Security, Malware Analysis, Forensics...

Our Master’s program shapes you into a cyber security specialist, equipped not only with in-depth IT knowledge but also the skills to design and implement security systems across diverse business landscapes.

Explore contemporary topics like Blockchain, DevSecOps, and cryptocurrencies, gaining a thorough education in information security. Alongside proficiency in security technologies, IT security management, and data analysis, you'll also delve into business processes, organizational theory, and legal aspects of data protection.

You also get to choose between:

  • 4 Semester / 2-year option, if you completed your previous bachelor's degree with an equivalent of 180 European credit points (ECTS) or if you have a 3-year Bachelor's degree (subject to assessment by our admissions team)
  • 3 Semester / 1.5-year option (Fast Track), if you completed your previous bachelor's degree with an equivalent of at least 210 European credit points (ECTS) or if you have at least a 3.5-year Bachelor's degree (subject to assessment by our admissions team)

Cybersecurity Expert, Security Analyst...

Possessing project management skills for IT security implementation and effective communication abilities to educate colleagues about cyber security risks, you, with business acumen and diverse soft skills, become a sought-after graduate for modern organizations.

Future career paths like:

  • Management roles in risk analysis companies, public and financial institutions, and central banks
  • IT consultant
  • Information security specialist
  • IT manager
Your choice
Your choice

2-year Master's or 1.5-year Master's (Fast Track)

We offer you the opportunity to complete your studies within 2 or 1.5 years. Choose between:

  • Do your Master's in 2 years (4 semesters): 1.5 years of academic studies + 6-month internship
  • Fast Track | Do your Master's in 1.5 years (3 semesters): 1.5 years of academic studies. For this Fast Track option you will need to have a relevant Bachelor's degree that is equivalent to 210 European credit points (ECTS) or at least 3.5 years of studies (subject to approval)
Get more information about the study programme!

Study programme brochure and more ...

It's about you
It's about you

Our study concept

Your studies are divided into 5-week blocks. During this time you focus on one IT-specific topic which you get to view from different angles. Thanks to this approach you can learn about real world challenges and strengthen the skills that employers are looking for.

Learn more about our academic approach
Info Session Apply correctly, finance smartly: Everything you need to know about applying and financing your studies

Everything you need to know about financing and applying to study at SRH.

Info Session Why study in Germany? Why study at SRH

Why should I choose to study in Germany? What are the benefits of studying abroad? What is Germany best known for studying?


4 Semester option

4 Semester 120 ECTS
1. Semester
  • Advanced Data Technologies

  • Tools & Methods of Data Analysis

  • Software Development

  • Security Technologies

  • Penetration Testing

  • International Commercial Law

2. Semester
  • Cloud Solutions

  • Artificial Intelligence and Open Source Intelligence

  • Agile Project & Risk Management

  • Information Security Management Systems

  • IT Security Management & DevOps

  • IT Revision and Audit

3. Semester
  • Internship

4. Semester
  • Scientific Work

  • Cyber Security Management Project

  • Master's Thesis and Defence


3 Semester option | Fast Track

3 Semester 90 ECTS
1. Semester
  • Advanced Data Technologies

  • Tools & Methods of Data Analysis

  • Software Development

  • Security Technologies

  • Penetration Testing

  • International Commercial Law

2. Semester
  • Cloud Solutions

  • Artificial Intelligence and Open Source Intelligence

  • Agile Project & Risk Management

  • Information Security Management Systems

  • IT Security Management & DevOps

  • IT Revision and Audit

3. Semester
  • Scientific Work

  • Cyber Security Management Project

  • Master's Thesis and Defence

Admission requirements

Our requirements

To submit your application, you will need the following:

  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or a similar area of studies - please submit your certificates and your transcript of records. If you do not have the degree certificate yet, you can also submit it before you start your studies.
  • Proof of English language proficiency
  • Secondary School Certificate
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of motivation
  • Copy of your passport/ID

You do not qualify for direct entry? Join our preparatory course and get qualified to start your Master’s degree at SRH.

Next available course

October 2024

Here are our English language requirements:

  • TOEFL 87 ibt (direct entry)
  • TOEFL 79 - 86 ibt (with additional agreement)
  • TOEIC 785 (Listening/Reading 785, Speaking 160, Writing 150)
  • IELTS/ IELTS ONLINE (academic) 6.5 on average - please see Language Centre guidelines if results differ
  • CAE (grade A, B, or C)
  • CPE (grade A, B or C)
  • Pearson English Test Academic (PTE-A) 59 points
  • Linguaskill: 176 - 184 (CES) - all four skills required
  • Duolingo 110 points
Fees and Funding

Your tuition fees

Tuition fees

  • citizenship | EU/EEA (incl. Western Balkans, Switzerland, Ukraine): EUR 750 / month
  • citizenship | Non-EU/EEA: EUR 5450 / semester

The monthly/semester tuition fees remain the same for the entire duration of the study programme. 

An additional enrolment fee of EUR 750 (EU/EEA) / EUR 1000 (non-EU/EEA) is to be paid once. More information about our fees.


Information on financing options & scholarships can be found here.

Apply now

Application process and deadlines

Please find the Application and Late Arrival deadlines here.

We are happy to welcome you to our university. This is our application process:

  1. You submit your online application via the SRH application portal
  2. If you meet the admission requirements, we will invite you to a personal/phone interview
  3. If the interview is successful, you will receive an acceptance letter and the study contract
  4. You will sign the study contract and send it back to us
  5. You will pay the enrolment fee
  6. You will receive your letter of admission
  7. You take part in our Welcome Week and then you are good to go!
Get started now Your path into the future
  • You will take part in a step-by-step learning experience
  • You will study in small teams through practice-oriented tasks
  • You can concentrate on what is important in 5-week blocks
  • You will receive individual support from your lecturers
Apply now!